Sunday, 30 October 2011

Youth + Future Industry of Islam

Alhamdulillah recently I have an opportunity to hear some taujihat from Ikhwan people, Dr. Kamal Al Helbawi  ( Ikhwan from Europe).
Very simple but comprehensive. He touch 7 points from his speech. It is important to reflect ourself  to be a youth for future Industry especially for our beloved religion, Islam. Here, I have constructed mind map regarding the points that Dr Kamal deliver his taujihat to us.


1.Moderation not extremism

We must follow our prophet Nabi Muhammad saw stategy, which is more diplomatic and more friendly. Besides, as we flash back our seerah Rasulullah saw  in ‘ Perjanjian Hudaibiyyah’ where Nabi Muhammad accept what Kafeer asked for such as not putting  the name  of Rasulullah in the agreement among Muslim and Kafeer, also wherever Kafeer people’s came to Madinah , they must back to Makkah and vice versa.
The concept of Wasatiyyah is important in practicing Islam.

2.Understanding the realities
Regardful to your surrounding, globalise our perception, broaden our view.

3.Knowledge and virtue
Our mission to bring back the virtue in society, to retain the balance between the worldly development and Islamic practice.

4.The mission
Hasan al-Banna 's dream- he want to become a teacher as guide people to proper Islam.
To have a mission is to have a goal , to have a goal is to have triumph.
Try to have the highest rank officer for the power it has will help our deen.


5.Filling vacuum 
To search any vacancy and fill it  and  compensate the needs with provisions

Firman Allah swt:
Dan AL-Quran ini adalah penjelasan (yang sempurna) bagi manusia, agar mereka diberi peringatan dengannya, agar mereka mengetahui bahwa Dia adalah Tuhan Yang  Maha Esa dan agar orang yang berakal mengambil pelajaran.( Suran Ibrahim, ayat 52)

We also must Remembering Allah all time and makes Al-Quran as our close ‘friend’ .

Fiqh al-awlawiyyat is a new knowledge and important for us to learn and apply to our daily life. We can check Book of Awlawiyyat written by Dr Yusuf Al-Qardawiy.

7.Tajdid + inventions
As a one of the concept of  Islam is waqi’iyyah. Islam can fit at all time even Nabi Muhammad saw said thousands year ago. At every decade, they must be a figure for tajdid in Islam likes Hassan Al-Banna, Umar Abd Aziz and many more. So, we must think and gives benefit to Islam.

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